We are proficient in the execution of either pre-designed or design & build projects. Our field of experience cover all types of Industrial Commercial Residential Government Projects through focused Customer-orientaton
Our Core Business is:
ü Supply & Installation of Electrical Projects with Turnkey Basis.
ü Electrical Panel Manufacturing up to 6000Amp
ü Busducts & Busbar Trunkings up to 6000Amp.
ü Electrical Liaisoning Consulting and Government Approval.
ü Erection of 66KV / 11KV Switchyard and Equipments like RMU Panel VCB Panel Power and Distribution Transformers Lightening Arrestor and Earth Switch.
ü Industrial & Commercial Lighting Distribution & Solution.
ü Electricity Duty Exemption Energy Audit & Power Management with Energy Saving Concept.
ü Industrial Automation & PLC Control System.
ü Earthing and Lightening Protection System
ü Erection of 66KV / 11KV Switchyard and Equipments like RMU Panel VCB Panel Distribution Transformers Lightening Arrestor and Earth Switch.
ü CCTV Networking and Access Control System
ü Supply & Trading Business of Electrical Spares Switchgears Control / Power Cables and all Electrical Accessories.Not added
Sanand, Gujarat